5 EX Metrics to Transform Your CX

Two vital business success drivers are employee retention and customer loyalty, thus consolidating team cohesion and sustainable sales revenue over the long term. We have already covered the overlap between CX and EX, showing how ambitious CX objectives can never emerge without establishing a corporate culture that favors exceptional employee…

Leisure Travel Expectations for 2024

What did you do during the pandemic? Chances are, you didn't get out much. The fear of a deadly virus, travel restrictions implemented by countries, and lockdown protocols everywhere meant the travel industry was virtually grounded overnight. As COVID-19 dissipated into weaker strains and vaccinations became common, travel slowly began…

Understanding the Overlap Between EX and CX

Can you imagine a business where there's hardly any interaction between customers and employees? Sounds far-fetched, doesn't it? While AI and chatbots can often step in at several points, most businesses looking to deliver a great customer experience and improve retention will ensure the human touch. After all, talking to…

Tailoring CX Strategies for Inflation

The US economy is facing record inflation rates, and this has impacted nearly every aspect of consumer experiences and expectations. Usually, inflation reduces consumers’ buying power, leading to fewer purchases and affecting businesses all around, especially for companies selling non-essential products or services. During times like this, it’s essential for…

Elevating DEI for Better Experiences Year-Round

Fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in today’s business age has become more than just a checkbox. It's about embracing a culture that celebrates differences and creates better experiences for everyone. While February is often associated with Black History Month and a heightened focus on DEI, we believe in making…

Change Management in the Era of Employee Experience

Nobody ever said change would be easy, but it shouldn't have to be so hard -- right? We've (mostly) made it through the brunt of a global pandemic, we've worked our way through the Great Resignation, and we're still wading through economic uncertainty. From both professional and personal perspectives, many…

Seasonal Support for Healthcare Employees: Rx for a Healthier Workplace

The healthcare industry has always been demanding, but the holiday season brings its own set of challenges for healthcare employees. While most people look forward to festive gatherings and time with family and friends, healthcare professionals often work tirelessly to ensure patients receive the care they need. This seasonal stress…

How to Enhance Healthcare Experiences During the Holidays

The holiday season is often a time of joy, celebration, and togetherness. Families come together, homes are adorned with festive decorations, and there's a general sense of warmth and happiness in the air. However, for many patients, the holidays can bring about unique challenges and stresses. Imagine for a moment…

How to Support Employee Balance

Your business thrives on employee enthusiasm and energy. When they work hard, say “yes” to new opportunities, and willingly help each other out, your organization often reaps the rewards. Still, these very same “go-getter” behaviors can undermine productivity and motivation and ultimately lead to employee burnout. In valuing employees, it’s…

What is HX and Why Does it Matter?

When we discuss the Human Experience, we’re delving deep into the very essence of our existence. As technology and automation continue to redefine the way we live and work, more human interactions and care are needed. The landscape of our contemporary lives is characterized by an ever-accelerating pace of change,…