Promoting From Within vs. Hiring Externally: Which Is Better?

The situation posed by the topic of this article represents a continuous dilemma for most companies. It invariably applies to enterprises immersed in intensely competitive environments, demanding new skills, and creating new horizons. Above all, it pressures your existing staff structure with new challenges daily. There are two undeniable facts…

Sogolytics 20.0: Clearly Better #2020Vision

Have you heard the latest? We’ve got 20/20 vision!   2020 has certainly brought challenges none of us could have anticipated. Through all of the news and updates, though, one thing is more clear than ever: Accurate information is critical. From policy changes to daily household arrangements, we all need…

Communication with Customers + Customer Feedback = Better Customer Experience (CX)

The phrase "communication with customers" is used so often in the CX conversation that it's in danger of becoming a cliche. Marketing professionals place little weight on it, especially when it comes to creating meaningful differences for their brands. Here’s an apt analogy: it's like breathing. We all do it…

The Impact of Branding: You’d Better Recognize

Any conversation about customer experience (CX) must include a discussion of brand power and where it can lead. How important is branding? Brand power energizes CX by creating positive recognition for a product or service, a pillar that, in turn, supports the marketing company's revenue and ROI. The common thread…

Sogolytics 19.0: Better Together

Your goals? Create great questionnaires, distribute and collect tons of feedback, and - most importantly - produce fantastic reports with actionable data. Our goal? To help you meet yours. Our 19.0 release is all about providing you a unified experience that enables you to meet all of your goals in…

Why A/B testing is better than “A then B” guessing

In recent years, data has dethroned oil and become the world’s most valuable resource. Most companies understand the importance of data, soliciting customer feedback and utilizing numerous tools for analytics. Many also appear to recognize the value of experimentation as a source for great insights. However, when it comes to…

Getting Better All The Time: Sogolytics 18.0

Have you noticed a few changes around the platform lately?   As you probably know, we make updates to improve your experience pretty regularly. Sometimes it’s a big splashy release, and sometimes we’re just getting it done without too much fanfare. If you’re wondering what’s gone live recently, here’s a…

Getting to Know Your Customers

The way we see it, customers are the driving force behind every business, organization, and institution that exists. The harsh truth? If a company fails to understand its customers and what they truly want, then its chances of long-term survival are slim at best. Who are your customers, really? And…

Sogolytics + Zapier: Better Together

Some things just go better together. Think macaroni and cheese. Peanut butter and jelly. Integration and automation. In this sweet season of togetherness, we’re excited to share our latest and greatest partnership: Sogolytics plus Zapier! If you’ve already meet Zapier, you’re probably excited, too. You know that Zapier is a…

Everything you need to build a better survey

Sogolytics is packed with design features and question types, but building a better survey comes down to which you use and how you use them. Bells and whistles won't hold participants’ attention, but a thoughtfully designed survey can dramatically raise response rates. (more…)