Two Feedback Surveys That Will Change Your Business in 2021 and Beyond

Creating a meaningful difference in business these days, especially in a competitive marketplace, rewards CEOs who can see the bigger picture. Again and again, feedback from two critical groups delivers forward thinkers the edge they're looking for:   Company customers and CX (customer experience) Company employees and EX (employee experience)…

Communication with Customers + Customer Feedback = Better Customer Experience (CX)

The phrase "communication with customers" is used so often in the CX conversation that it's in danger of becoming a cliche. Marketing professionals place little weight on it, especially when it comes to creating meaningful differences for their brands. Here’s an apt analogy: it's like breathing. We all do it…

A Data-Driven Approach to Closing the Customer Feedback Loop

Closing the customer feedback loop is a widely adopted business practice. Some even consider it the holy grail of customer service – by quickly contacting customers after they have provided feedback, businesses aim to reduce churn and increase customer loyalty and engagement in addition to other potential benefits. However, closing…

Strange Days: Dealing with COVID-19

With the rapidly evolving swirl of news and rumors regarding COVID-19, the novel coronavirus, it can be difficult to know what to believe and how to respond. Still, this is the time to reach out, so that’s exactly what we’re doing.   Connection While modern technology boosts our connectivity, we’re…

The CX Turnaround: Learning from Mistakes

No one likes to fail. Trip-ups are terrible. Mistakes create mayhem. Especially when it comes to customer satisfaction, no business wants to risk a blunder. Yet, successfully turning around a negative customer experience can pay off powerfully in the long-term. Here’s why service recovery matters and how to do it…

Will Customer Effort Soon Be a Thing of the Past?

If you’ve been tracking your Customer Effort Score (CES), you’ve hopefully gained insights into ways to improve your customer relations. But if you’re also measuring Net Promoter Score (NPS) and Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), you’re probably wondering how important it is to track customer effort.   These KPIs have a…

Customer Experience Lessons From the Healthcare Sector

If your business thinks customer experience efforts are too expensive, consider what it costs not to prioritize customer experience. In 2015, American businesses lost $62 billion annually due to poor customer experience. Among the reasons cited were a feeling of being unappreciated (cited by 49% of customers), unhelpful/rude staff (37%),…

Is your Customer Service Training Keeping Up With Customer Expectations?

Customer service training can’t remain static. While there are constants, yes, your training efforts need to evolve with changing customer expectations, too.   Happy customers buy more, remain brand loyal, and provide valuable word-of-mouth referrals. So, businesses today, regardless of the industry, know the importance of customer service training. But…

How to Measure and Reduce Customer Churn

Losing customers is never welcome news for a business. However, some customer churn is unavoidable, so should your company just take it on the chin and invest more heavily into customer acquisition to make up for the losses? It’s not a simple case of “you win some, you lose some”.…

How Employee Experience Drives Business Success (Or Failure)

Great businesses always find, nurture, and retain the best talent. Companies who fail to make this a priority will struggle. They'll have unhappy employees who are poorly suited to their positions and who are unsure of their roles. Let’s take a look at some common problems and some easy fixes…