How To Use Data Insights To Improve Employee Experience

Employee experience is a rather new concept that’s taken the HR world by storm. Thanks to the digital transformation companies have undergone over the last years, Human Resources professionals have also experienced a transition that emphasizes the experience of the employees from the moment they are recruited to the moment…

What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You: The Value of Customer Feedback

For many companies, collecting customer feedback is an afterthought. After all, companies exist to turn a profit; they’d rather invest their time and effort into revenue-generating activities such as pushing out new products or optimizing their sales funnel, as opposed to soliciting feedback from customers. That said, there are plenty…

Time Off: Finding the Balance

Well, it’s been one month since we returned to work from winter break and last night my husband said to me, “After President’s Day in February, our next day off isn’t until Memorial Day in May, right?!” You should have seen the look on his face when I confirmed his…

How are you measuring customer satisfaction?

Many companies focus on measuring customer satisfaction – how satisfied were you with this product or that support call, with your meal or in-store visit? The customer experience is made up of moments, and Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) can measures each one so that you can improve specific interactions and…

Fostering Customer Loyalty in the Insurance Industry

Advances in digital technologies, along with significant shifts in consumer behavior, are opening up new opportunities for insurers to enhance their market segmentation, product and service offerings, and distribution models. In an age when demand for insurance remains stagnant, and consumers are increasingly dictating how their providers should meet their…

Customer Service in the Age of Customer 3.0

We all remember the disturbing 30-second video of a bloodied United Airlines passenger being dragged from his seat on an overbooked flight at Chicago’s O'Hare International Airport. The now infamous video attracted more than 6 million views in one day, sparked international outrage, and threatened to unravel more than a…

What Really Drives Customer Churn and How You Can Avoid It

Visionary co-founder and former Apple CEO, Steve Jobs, challenged, “Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves.”  Too many businesses take a reactive approach to customer service. But one of the most successful companies in the history…

5 Surprising Questions Your Employee Engagement Survey Must Have

How important is an employee engagement survey? During his GE tenure, highly respected CEO Jack Welch argued, “There are only three measurements that tell you nearly everything you need to know about your organization’s overall performance: employee engagement, customer satisfaction, and cash flow. It goes without saying that no company,…

Do’s and Don’ts to Get Employee Surveys Right

Are you getting the most out of your employee surveys? Are you overcoming survey fatigue and low response rates?  Do you know what your survey results are really telling you? Maintaining highly engaged employees at all levels in an organization is an important factor in achieving a competitive advantage. High employee turnover…

Want Better Employee Engagement? Let’s Get You Started On The Right Path

You may think you’re a great boss, and maybe you are. You may also think your organization is five-star, and again, maybe it is. But how do your employees feel about working for you and the organization? Do they look forward to coming to work every day? Do they think…