Improving B2B Customer Experience with Customer Journey Mapping

What is the Customer Experience in B2B markets and companies? B2B challenges frequently make the B2C obstacles look like a cakewalk. They are, indeed, unique in light of the demands coming at the HR, marketing, sales, customer support, and production departments from all sides. Therefore, the latest B2B customer experience…

How to Improve Customer Experience in Banking

The customer journey in the banking market The minute individuals begin thinking about the institution they want to look after their financial transactions and safeguard their assets; the customer journey has started. The customer experience (CX) at every touchpoint along the way will guide him or her or the company…

You Can Change Company Culture For the Better

A good company culture will make coming into work enjoyable and encourages engagement and retention. It's difficult to find yourself in a less-than-ideal company culture, and it can feel like you're stuck in a trap. But sometimes just because the paint is cracking doesn't mean you have to tear down…

VoC and ROI: How can Voice of the Customer impact revenue?

Henry Ford famously (or infamously) said car buyers could have any color they wanted as long as it was black. This short statement implied that the distributors of products and services held all the power and the final say. Conversely,  the consumer, the receiver of products and services, were powerless…

Optimizing employee experience: How does language figure into the picture?

How diverse is America really?  The USA in the 21st century is a cultural hodgepodge that comes with numerous languages thrown into the mix. Contrary to common belief, English, the national language, is not always the first preference. How often have you passed people on the streets or bumped them…

How WFH Will Boost Your CX

How can you equate the current supply and demand market with the shut-down environment in today’s COVID-19 pandemic? Foremost, most businesses don’t stop; they pivot. Progressive companies take advantage of a work-from-home model that is boosting customer services while reassuring their customers that "business" is happening, albeit in a novel…

What is eNPS, and is it all that important?

eNPS stands for Employee Net Promoter Score, a methodology that has built a reputation for measuring employees' enthusiasm for their place of work. It comes down to calculating the extent of a respondents' willingness to talk about their employee experience (i.e., EX) in a positive light. It's a fact that…

Organization Quizzes = Employee Engagement and Employee Job Satisfaction

Training and employee quizzes in the digital era These days the employee experience (EX) receives a great deal of attention. Companies spend billions of dollars on training staff, which is why there's so much fuss around organization quizzes amongst other learning considerations. We've come a long way since the industrial…

How to Succeed in Employee Performance Management with Best Practices (& Trying!)

"How to Succeed in Business Without Even Trying" may make a great musical, but in real life, most successful ventures require a bit of effort.   Employee Performance management is a macro concept, embracing broad company objectives. It's the opposite of divisional thinking that may or may not help the…

Internal vs External Market Research: Is There a “Best” Approach?

Many companies would say that conducting research is a job for external experts -- people with no biases towards the company or motivations for it to succeed. External researchers can look at things with a reassuringly analytical perspective, which means more honest results.  But what if the cost of hiring…