Yes, Conflict in the Workplace Can Be Healthy

You already know this firsthand: Even the best relationships experience conflict. While it may seem advisable to aspire to a conflict-free work environment, it’s unrealistic. At the same time, healthy conflict in the workplace can bring positive outcomes. Consider these ways in which disagreements at work can benefit your business.…

What’s Driving Holiday Retail Sales in 2022?

The customer experience in the retail environment jumps to a new level of intensity as the holiday season approaches. Families, having come through a pandemic into an overpressured supply chain, are super-sensitive to threats against their buying power. According to Forbes Advisor, in a study of 2,000 U.S. consumers, inflation…

8 Reasons Why NPS and eNPS Matter

Net Promoter Score—known as NPS, or eNPS when it’s applied to employees—is an important metric gauging customer or employee loyalty. While many people are familiar with it and use it regularly to inform their loyalty strategies, it may not always be completely clear why it’s such an important metric to…

Do Businesses Need a Chief Experience Officer (CXO)?

It's clear that being a truly customer-first business brings tremendous benefits in terms of customer loyalty, retention and market share. As a result, the transition towards customer-centric cultures has been one of the biggest business trends of recent years. In order to successfully manage that transition (and to maintain and…

Know Better, Do Better: Investing In Kids’ Education

It’s the start of a new school year. Bright yellow buses make their way into neighborhoods to pick up the youth of the world and take them to school to prepare them for a brighter future. Parents congregate at the bus stops, waiting with their children and taking pictures to…

Where Sogolytics is Going: Upcoming Events

For many, Labor Day weekend means the end of travel and summer adventures. For us, it's time to take this (re!)brand new Sogolytics show on the road! Here are a few of the events we're attending in Q3. NAFCU Congressional Caucus September 11-14, Washington, D.C. In a few weeks, we'll…

Nursing Home Surveys: What They Can Tell Providers About the Resident Experience

The world has staggered through one of the most deadly and disruptive pandemics in history. Millions of deaths and countless hardship cases pave the jagged path back to normalcy. There's so much we can say on the subject, but COVID-19 aimed its sights fairly and squarely on nursing homes, and…

6 Reasons You Should Use Storytelling in Employee Engagement

“Once upon a time...” We hear those words and immediately want to settle in for a story. While you may not start your business story with those same familiar four words, there’s little doubt that using storytelling in employee engagement is effective. This article will discuss the many reasons why.…

Minority (BIPOC) Women Making a Difference

We’re continuing our conversation about how empowering women in the workplace is a powerful corporate social responsibility measure, focusing now on minority women and the challenges they face. We’d like to take the time to look at revolutionary BIPOC women who made a difference in business and the world so…

Everything You Need to Know About the CSAT Survey

Everyone is talking about the CSAT survey, and with good reason! The Customer Satisfaction Survey provides a lot of insight into customer expectations and experiences, allowing companies to make impactful changes from meaningful data. Understanding the survey's necessity is all well and good, but how do you do a CSAT survey?…