Incorporating Culture in Employee Onboarding

You’ve heard it before: There are no second chances when it comes to making first impressions. When bringing in new hires, your onboarding process makes an early, lasting impression. This is also your first real opportunity to engage employees with your workplace culture. Don’t wait for a second chance. Employee…

Go Greener: How to Make Your Business More Sustainable

There's a lot of excitement about getting things "back to normal" these days. But who’s to say that returning to normalcy is what’s best for society? Maybe it’s best to take what we’ve learned and adapt rather than revert to our old habits. After all, if there’s anything the pandemic…

Creating a Common Company Culture

Workplace culture captures who a company is and what it stands for in the world. Much has been written about the benefit of bringing company culture into the work environment. Yet, less attention is paid to developing a consistent perspective of culture. Creating company culture consensus is like growing a…

The Company Culture Confusion Conundrum

Much has been written about the value of company culture. A solid organizational culture encourages good work and happy employees while making retention and recruitment easier. So, most businesses are on board with the idea of having a company culture. The problem is when there is company culture confusion, which…

Responding to Negative Feedback

The negative feedback arena is vast because it embraces customers and employees — the lifeblood of every business — but is it an essential consideration with all else going on? “Essential” is an understatement; crucial is more to the point. Reacting to peoples’ comments about missteps in your operations can…

What Is Customer Engagement Marketing?

Good marketing gets the job done, sometimes without drawing attention to itself at all. Done well, customer engagement marketing gets lots of jobs done, but some of us have never even heard of it. What is customer engagement? Simply put, customer engagement is the strength of the relationship between a…

Balancing the Conversation for CX: How to Speak to Customers in “The New Normal”

There was a period over the past year where companies weren’t sure if they should market and sell to customers at all. Is it insensitive? Will we lose customers? Is it manipulative? The reality is that businesses need to be selling their products to stay alive. As the country slowly…

The Online Suggestion Box: A Robust Feedback Tool for Customers and Employees

Why is employee and customer feedback important? A company’s ROI connects closely to retaining your customers and employees by establishing loyalty. Arguably, they are the two most crucial management focus areas for any business -- big or small. Not convinced? Think about the following observations: When you lose a loyal…

HR Trends in 2021 That Turned Management Thinking Upside Down

The pandemic’s impact on HR trends 2021 The COVD-19 pandemic altered our lives in significant ways, sending us into a new mindset called “social distancing” -- staying at home and avoiding crowds. This one event threw traditional HR trends to the curb. In its wake, employee onboarding and employee engagement…

5 Customer Experience Lessons We Can Take From 2020

It’s easy to think that the average consumer has radically changed over the past 12 months. Because twice as many people are buying online now compared to March 2020, you should invest every penny into digital infrastructure. I mean, sure, but what about the coming years? Physical stores are going…