Survey Metrics: Find Your Success Measurement

 Sogolytics · Survey Metrics: Find Your Survey Success Measurement | Sogolytics BlogCast Surveys are invaluable tools for gathering insights and feedback from your target audience. However, the true value of surveys lies in their ability to provide actionable data that can drive decision-making and improve strategies. To make the…

Take the “How’s Your Life Experience” Survey

Sogolytics · Take the "How's Your Life Experience" Survey | Sogolytics BlogCast Here at Sogolytics, we’re sort of crazy about feedback — who knew 😉 — and the human experience fascinates us the most. How we interact, how we can make experiences better, and how we can help shape meaningful…

Break Free: Top 10 Thoughts Holding You Back

Are you living your best life? Are you feeling that main character vibe? If your answer to the above questions is a big “no”, then let’s sit down with some calming lavender tea and reflect upon why that is the case. Let’s inspect the self-limiting thoughts that are often the…

Top 10 360 Feedback Tools to Energize Your Workforce

From collection to analysis to action, data is paramount for any organization. The right data can lead to improved customer experiences and smarter, informed decisions. In the case of the 360 feedback assessment, data enables strategic focus, targeted development, and a more energized workforce. How? It’s all in the beauty…

Google Analytics Migration from GA3 to GA4: Unlocking the Power of Data (The Complete Guide)

Google Analytics has long been the go-to tool for website and app owners to gain insights into user behavior, measure marketing efforts, and make data-driven decisions. With the introduction of GA4, Google has brought forth a new generation of analytics capabilities that promise to unlock even more power from your…

How to Balance Privacy and Personalization

Generic is out, custom is in, and customer experience is king. As a result, businesses today strive to provide tailored experiences that make customers feel like VIPs. However, customer privacy is also a top concern, and it's essential for businesses to navigate this delicate dance. In this article, we'll explore…

Why Global Companies Need Multilingual Surveys

In today's global markets, many companies do business all around the world - which means working with diverse customer segments, each with different geographic, cultural, and language profiles. To better understand these audiences and ensure your company continues to provide the best customer experience (CX) possible, it's important to get…

Juneteenth Check-in: How are Your DEI and Hiring Practices Looking?

Sogolytics · Juneteenth Check-In: How's Your DEI and Hiring Practices Looking? | Sogolytics BlogCast Juneteenth. A day that commemorates the emancipation of enslaved African Americans in the United States. It almost sounds like something made up. It’s 2023, yet we must look at what we’ve done – our achievements and…

Bridge the Summer Break with Seasonal CX

Customer spend patterns keep changing throughout the year. Have you ever noticed customers buying more freely during the holiday season, or even towards the beginning of the month? It's important to ensure your customer experience strategy reflects this ever-evolving mindset. By taking the changing seasons (and festivities or occasions) into…

How Can Assessments Aid Employee Performance?

Poor team performance, identified mainly through below-standard business KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), invariably corrupts critical customer experience (CX) touchpoints, thus creating unwanted churn and dissolving brand loyalty. If this sounds familiar, it's important to dive deeper into your teams' strengths and weaknesses to better identify skill gaps. The best way…