How to Make Holidays More Inclusive at Work

What are you celebrating today? Even if nothing comes to mind, you may be reading this on a Buddhist or Jewish holiday. Maybe Halloween. Or then there’s World Allergy Awareness Day, World Kindness Day, or International Coffee Day. With every day of the year commemorating something, prioritizing diversity, equity, and…

How AI Can Transform CU Member Experience

In today’s dynamic financial landscape, consumers have plenty of choice. At the personal banking level, one key question comes up again and again: Banks or credit unions? One of the core ways in which banks outpace credit unions is via their adoption of technology to streamline client experiences. Credit unions,…

Tailoring CX Strategies for Inflation

The US economy is facing record inflation rates, and this has impacted nearly every aspect of consumer experiences and expectations. Usually, inflation reduces consumers’ buying power, leading to fewer purchases and affecting businesses all around, especially for companies selling non-essential products or services. During times like this, it’s essential for…

Working Parents: Tips to Ensure Well-Being

Parents with (paid) jobs have never had it easy. But as hybrid and flexi working becomes the norm for many, work-life spill only contributes to the challenge. As the lines between work and life blur, constant prioritization, performance anxiety, and mental health concerns for family members can be energy suckers.…

Seasonal Support for Healthcare Employees: Rx for a Healthier Workplace

The healthcare industry has always been demanding, but the holiday season brings its own set of challenges for healthcare employees. While most people look forward to festive gatherings and time with family and friends, healthcare professionals often work tirelessly to ensure patients receive the care they need. This seasonal stress…

How Customer-Centric Companies Manage Customer Complaints

In today's rapidly evolving world of customer experience, businesses face an unprecedented challenge: meeting rising customer expectations across an ever-expanding array of channels. While delivering exceptional service is the goal, the reality is that companies may not always have the time, resources, or capability to address every customer issue. So,…

How to Manage Well-Being Without Saying “No”

Every productivity guru is out there to convince us that saying "no" is the only way to get what we truly want. But how much good can this advice do us when we are not pursuing minimalism? A big part of urban work life and burnout comes not so much…

How to Enhance Healthcare Experiences During the Holidays

The holiday season is often a time of joy, celebration, and togetherness. Families come together, homes are adorned with festive decorations, and there's a general sense of warmth and happiness in the air. However, for many patients, the holidays can bring about unique challenges and stresses. Imagine for a moment…

AI Awareness: Ethics and Employee Engagement

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is advancing at lightning pace, finding its way into experiences and daily life like never before. From improving the way we converse with technology to influencing our worldview, AI has a lot of power And as we all know, with great power, comes great responsibility. This is…

The Takeaways: 2023 CXFS Conference

Love learning? We do, too! Since we can't all be all the places all the time, our team is happy to share takeaways from the events we attend! The 4th edition of the Customer Experience for Financial Services (CXFS) Summit in Toronto was not just another conference. As a dedicated…