ChatGPT Ate My Homework

As an English teacher and a writer who works for a tech company, it's fair to say that I have mixed feelings about AI's rapidly evolving role in content development. I grew up on science fiction and now I'm living it -- but what else is new? From spellcheck and…

Tips for increasing credit union member retention

For the last month, we’ve been laser-focused on what is arguably the most critical concern for credit unions: member retention. First we explained the reasons why member retention is even more important than member acquisition. Then we examined some of the leading causes of member churn (and how to avoid…

Sogolytics Sprint 30.9 Release Highlights

Somewhere in between feeling the Valentine's Day love and the St. Patrick's Day luck, our latest sprint release has landed at just the right moment! First up: Remember that you can always catch up on recent updates through our release highlights series or book a training call to walk through…

8 Ways to Create a Culture Your Employees Love

If you’d asked an employer about “company culture” before the 1980s, they might have looked at you as if you were asking if there was a teleportation device in the office. Yet, by the 1990s, the term was often used to describe a company’s character. Today, creating a culture that…

How Marketing Can Boost CU Member Retention

If you work in the credit union space, you’re probably well aware of the importance of member retention. And if you’re not, you should definitely read our previous pieces explaining why retention is even more important than new member acquisition, and looking at the most common reasons that members leave…

Bridging the Top 5 Employee Experience Gaps

Sogolytics · Bridging the Top 5 Employee Experience Gaps | Sogolytics BlogCast Have you checked in with your employees recently? When you’re working in big teams or across a large organization, it’s easy for individual dissatisfaction to get overlooked—but it’s important to ensure that doesn’t happen. Check in with your…

PX as a Community Health Risk Assessment Tool

In recent years, healthcare providers have become increasingly focused on patient experience as a key metric for evaluating the quality of care provided. Quality of care—or the degree to which health services increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes—is a critical concern for any healthcare professional. There are cases where…

Rethinking Employee Engagement: How to Fix What’s Broken

How often do you check in with your employees? Do you have your finger on the employee pulse? While employee experience is often seen as a top HR priority, only 33% of employees truly feel engaged at work. The outcome is often high employee turnover, leading to another top HR…

Top Ways to Improve Employee Engagement

What’s your company’s biggest asset? Many different things may pop into mind, from the products you sell to your customers. But the truth is, there is one thing that forms the foundation for all of it: your employees. They are the people behind the curtain who make the wheels turn!…

Customer Engagement Software vs. CRM

At a company forum the other day, the lecturer, when talking about customer engagement software, said to his audience that "it revolves around developing an integrated platform that helps management in sales enablement to deliver a better customer experience." Someone asked, "I'm confused; how does it help me do that?"…