Know Better, Do Better: Empathy and Corporate Social Responsibility

There are many aspects of corporate social responsibility (CSR), and we're taking the time to examine the pieces of the whole to build better understanding and promote better company values. Each month we'll focus on one focus topic, and this month we're taking a look at empathy. Doing better through…

Know Better: The Magic of Data Pre-Population

We use surveys to ask questions. But what if you already know the answer? You already know that everything you want to see in your report needs to be included in your survey -- breakdown by department, location, or product, for example. Still, in many cases, those critical variables are…

Better Experiences for Everyone: Prioritizing Employee Experience

Wondering how Sogolytics supports folks in human resources? Thought you'd never ask. 😉 Of course, you can always ask our current customers, and we're happy to share their feedback with you right up front. Check out a few client stories here and click the quote below to dive into the…

Better Brand Experiences for Customer Retention and Loyalty

Let’s make one thing clear: Creating better brand experiences is not just a desirable goal; it's a necessity for sustainable growth. As businesses strive to stand out in a crowded market, the focus on retaining and building loyalty among existing customers has become paramount. Companies are faced with a pretty…

How to Network Better at Work

Winston doesn’t scare easily, but he does cringe at the word “networking.” Since college he’s been hearing about the importance of professional networking. But, to him, it sounds too forced. He wants to get ahead based on his skills and talent alone. It might help Winston if he understand how…

Better Marketing Experiences for Improved CX

Marketing. The start—and stop—of any campaign. The way to the promised land of perfect customers with ideal products or services at the right time and place. It’s not always easy to get it right, but what’s become apparent is that we're not just selling products or services anymore—we're crafting experiences.…

Integrated Communication for Better Employee Relationships

Ayesha, an HR professional in a mid-sized IT firm, is experiencing a dilemma. Even as she continues to hire top industry talent, she sees high employee disengagement and churn rates within the organization. Somehow, candidate attraction is high, but retention issues are on the rise. Clearly, a step in the…

Is Technology Really Delivering Better Consumer Experiences?

In the heart of the digital age, technology has become an omnipresent force that shapes the way consumers interact with the world. From shopping online for everyday essentials to seeking the wisdom of the internet for informed decisions, technology has revolutionized the consumer landscape. However, beneath the convenience and efficiency…

Elevating DEI for Better Experiences Year-Round

Fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in today’s business age has become more than just a checkbox. It's about embracing a culture that celebrates differences and creates better experiences for everyone. While February is often associated with Black History Month and a heightened focus on DEI, we believe in making…

A Customer’s Guide to Better Service Experiences

In the realm of customer service, there exists a delicate balance between what customers expect and what service providers can deliver. In an ideal world, businesses would be able to give you, the customer, everything you desire. Your expectations would always align perfectly with the reality of what's feasible within…