Think small: Valuing service in the new normal

In a week that included both the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday -- celebrated as the National Day of Service -- and a presidential inauguration, the value of service has been highlighted even more than usual. The service of our national leaders, those who keep us safe, and those who…

Connecting Customer Perception to Your Marketing Program

You'll be hard-pressed these days to find a viable market situation that isn't competitive. To make headway against competitors, fortify your ROI, and boost revenues, your brand must stand head and shoulders above the crowd. Buyers, whether in B2B or B2C scenarios, respond to a compelling customer experience (CX) --…

What’s in a Word? The Importance of Survey Wording

With the tools available today it can seem so simple to just bang out a survey and look for great results. However, designing a great survey actually takes a bit more thoughtful consideration. Factors such as survey mode, length, types of questions, and providing specific instructions can all play a…

How to Run Your Calendar Before It Runs You

For a short time, your new year calendar looks so clean and clear... Not at all like the clogged days of last year, with those squeeze-it-in-before-the-holidays meet-ups and the reviews and evaluations of how it was all going even as it was still all going... A brand new calendar is…

Go Green: Transforming the WFH Experience

2020 has been a transformational year for most of us. For many of us, this includes changes in where we work, how we work, and even how much we work. As remote working becomes the norm, research shows that a majority of employees have maintained their office productivity levels or…

The Ins & Outs of Market Research in a Competitive Environment

There's no substitute for knowing what your customers know. More than that, market research probes into how your customers think and feel about things. These days, it's not enough to know where your prospects and customers live and what they look like. With competition encroaching on your territory unexpectedly and…

Top Tips for Addressing Challenges in a Year-End Staff Review

As we continue our series on year-end clear-up projects, we turn our attention to our most important resources: our team members. While a staff review may seem like a big challenge to take on at the end of the year, it can also provide extremely valuable insights when done correctly.…

Creative Gift-Giving During the Holiday Season

2020 has stifled my creative processes, and I know I'm not alone. When the pandemic first hit in full force in the US, there was plenty to write about: working from home, video conferencing tips, and the strange days everyone was experiencing. But as time has moved, on my creativity has…

Transactional vs. Relational NPS

Whether Transactional or Relational,  Net Promoter Score (NPS) has a massive advantage in the larger feedback arena. An NPS survey at pivotal moments in the customer lifecycle can yield invaluable information. It's versatile with a capital V. NPS surveys often occur on a 3-month schedule or in alignment with touchpoints…

The Clear-Up: Data Collection Edition

Continuing our series on year-end/year-beginning clear-up efforts, it's time for a closer look at data.   But wait -- isn't data amazing? Aren't you better off when you have more of it, so you can make more informed decisions and all that kind of thing? Don't you talk about how…