How to Alleviate Assessment Stress in the Workplace

Tests are not usually described as “fun” or something you’re “looking forward to.” Whether you’re looking to join a new company or you’ve been around for a while, you will most likely encounter a test or two along the way. You'll often encounter workplace assessments when the organization is gauging…

How Legacy CX Metrics May Be Ruining Your Customer Experience

Companies rely on metrics to explain how well their customer service is performing. In theory, this orients the whole company—from product developers to HR to customers—around key goals. Companies are also jumping on the latest trends in business intelligence, big data, machine learning, and AI. They’re processing insane quantities of…

A Work Culture that Works: The Diversity Advantage

Creating a workspace that is inspiring, engaging, and productive remains a critical challenge for businesses across the world – and a strategic priority. Owing to the disruption of normal routines, enterprises spanning the globe have realized the importance of realigning employee experience with organizational vision, increasing engagement to steer growth.…

B2C Customer Experience and B2B Customer Experience: Yes, There’s A Difference

Customer experience is one of the biggest topics in business these days, but as you might expect, "experience" priorities depend on who the customer is. We're taking a look at some of the differences between B2C (business to consumer) and B2B (business to business) customer experience. THE B2C SCENARIO Companies…

Emotional Intelligence Can Be Learned

The global pandemic has tested the best of us. No matter where we work, or at what level, we’ve been asked to adapt to restrictions and changing regulations. This may have been easier at businesses with emotionally intelligent leaders at the helm. As we move forward with 2021, and aim…

How to Analyze Survey Data

So you've conducted surveys and followed all the rules. The questions were good, and the responses better than expected. The results are in, and you have lots of information to sort through. Others have told you only a team member with a master's degree in statistics can make sense of…

The Best of 2020: Sogolytics Edition

If you're surprised to find that January is already over, you're not alone. From global to national to local levels, there's been a lot going on. Before we get too far into 2021, though, we're taking a chance to reflect on some of the high points of 2020 -- Sogolytics…

Running Into Creativity

Recently I’ve noticed something about myself: I don’t have the mental bandwidth to be creative outside of my working hours anymore. I love my job, and I’m thankful that I get to write, edit, and create content for a living. I’m not complaining about it at all. I've just noticed…

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Today

Our understanding of emotional intelligence is 30 years old. The question now is, "What is the importance of emotional intelligence in leadership today?" This article examines how, at this current moment in time, emotional intelligence can have an added impact on successful leadership. What is emotional intelligence? The term, "emotional…

Website Feedback: The Omnipresent Nudge of Modern Marketing

What is website feedback? Website feedback -- a subset of customer feedback -- relates to obtaining information from people who visit and navigate websites. The methods for doing this rest in conducting on-page surveys, website feedback widgets, and new digital apps. The goals are to uplift the user experience (UX)…