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                                            Search Dialogues

                                            Simple Search

                                            If you’re looking for a Dialogue, you can use the search feature immediately. Above the Inbox section on the left side of the screen, above it you’ll see a search bar. For a Simple Search, type in the desired terms and click the magnifying glass icon. SoGoConnect’s Simple Search will bring you all of the Dialogues that are relevant to the term you were searching for. But say you were looking for something specific that terms couldn’t find by themselves: that’s when you would want to use Advanced Search.

                                            Advanced Search

                                            Below the Search Bar on the top left of the screen, you’ll see “Advanced Search” underneath it. If you’re looking to really narrow down your search results, select this option.

                                            This will open up a new tab that has four drop-down options: Keywords, Origin Information, Dialogue Details, and Assignment Information. Here’s what you can define in each of these categories

                                            • Keywords: You can search “All of these words,” “This exact word or phrase,” and “Any of these words.”
                                            • Origin Information: You can search by Submission Type (Question, Comment, etc.), when the Dialogue was received, the Origin of the Dialogue if it was recorded, the Entry Point of the Dialogue, and what type of individual the Dialogue was received from (Customer, Employee, etc.).
                                            • Dialogue Details: You can search by Dialogue Status, Priority, Tags, when it was last updated, Action Taken, and the CX Score.
                                            • Assignment Information: You can search by Interest Area or Owner.

                                            Select all of the details that you need, and when you’re ready click the “Search” button at the bottom of the screen.
