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                                            Email to Invitation

                                            When you’re trying to collect real-time feedback, automation can be a huge asset! Want to streamline your workflows by triggering email invitations from other tools? Our Email to Invitation feature offers a no-code automation solution! If you can send an email with some key details included, our system will deliver the invitation to your intended recipient.

                                            For example:
                                            You’d like to collect feedback from customers once their customer service tickets are closed. Within your ticketing platform, set up a rule to send an email to your designated unique email address whenever a case is closed, and use mail merge to enter the customer’s email address. Now, whenever a case is closed:

                                            • Your ticketing tool sends an email to Sogolytics.
                                            • Sogolytics identifies the customer email address in the email.
                                            • Sogolytics sends a predefined survey invitation to that customer’s email address.

                                            This feature is available only in our Enterprise plan. Contact us to take advantage of this option.

                                            Navigate to

                                            Here’s how it works:

                                            1. Within your Sogolytics account, click on the Utilities icon in the top right corner.
                                            2. Click Integrations.
                                            3. Click Email to Invitation in the left panel.

                                              Here, you’ll find a unique email address created for your account. This address is set up to receive emails including required details for sending invitations and reminders.
                                            4. Create an Email to Invitation template by selecting required items from the Email Parameters column.​
                                              1. Participant Email Address: No action required here while creating the template. The participant email address will need to be added when sending the email to Sogolytics.
                                              2. Link Type: Choose to send either a Single-Use Link or Multi-Use Link email invitation. Here’s what you need to know before you make the choice:
                                                1. Single-Use Link
                                                  1. Each Single-Use Link only allows a single response.
                                                  2. Single-Use Links should not be sent to group email addresses.
                                                  3. These invitations should not be forwarded.
                                                2. Multi-Use Link
                                                  1. Multiple/duplicate participation (ballot box stuffing) cannot be prevented.
                                                  2. Each invitee will have different links that can be used multiple times.
                                              3. Project: Select your Project from the drop down.
                                              4. Email Message: Choose the template you have created under Email Templates. Templates will be displayed in accordance with the project language.
                                                For example:
                                                If your project is created in English and Arabic, then only English and Arabic language templates will be available for selection.
                                              5. Template ID: No action required here. Sogolytics assigns a unique ID for every saved Email to Invitation template.​
                                              6. Send/Schedule: Here, choose when the email invitation should be triggered. You may choose to send invitations right away, as soon as an email is sent to Sogolytics with ​the required information, or to send invitations after a delay.

                                                The time specified when scheduling invitations is based on the time zone of the Sogolytics account.

                                              7. Pre-Population: If Pre-Population is used in your project, pre-populated questions will be displayed in the right panel.
                                                1. For each question, edit the identifier as needed.
                                                2. Pre-population values don’t need to be specified here. For each of these identifiers, in every email sent to Sogolytics, actual pre-population values need to be added.​
                                                3. Click on the settings icons to choose what happens when a pre-population value is not passed or if there is a mismatch. Available options:
                                                  • Do not send invitations if mismatches or blanks are found.​
                                                  • Send invitations if any mismatches or blanks are found.​
                                                  • If blanks are the only issue, send.​
                                                  • If mismatched fields are the only issue, send.​
                                                  • If any blanks are found, do not send.​
                                                  • If any mismatches are found, do not send.​

                                              8. Mail Merge: If you have included Mail Merge fields within your email message, they will be displayed in the right panel.
                                                1. Mail Merge values don’t need to be specified here. For each of these values, in every email sent to Sogolytics, actual Mail Merge values need to be added.​
                                                2. Click on the settings icons to add a generic replacement for any blank values.

                                                If you are not seeing the Mail Merge step, you have likely not entered the Mail Merge code in the email content section. If you want to include these values in your message, edit your content under Email Templates.

                                              9. Embed Question: This option is available when the selected email template has the Embed Question option turned on. Click on the drop down to view the project’s supported questions and select the one you want to embed in the email invitation.

                                                If your project does not contain question types that can be embedded in email messages, none of the embedded question templates will be available for selection.

                                              10. Advanced Fields:
                                                1. Auto Reminders: Send automatic reminders to non-participants. Up to two reminders can be scheduled automatically.
                                                2. Reminder Email Message: Select email templates for Auto Reminders.
                                                3. Reminder Schedule: Define the time interval between Invitation, First Reminder, and Second Reminder.
                                                4. Invitation Expiry: Choose to expire invitations at a set time. Use this feature when the project will remain active but the invitation should not.
                                            5. Review to ensure all parameters are set up correctly. Once done, click Save. Enter a unique template name and consider adding a description to clarify its use/purpose.

                                            Saved Templates

                                            All your saved Templates will be shown under this tab.

                                            Options include:

                                            • Copy: Create an exact replica of the parent Template.
                                            • Enable: Resume sending email invitations using the saved Template.
                                            • Disable: Pause sending email invitations using the saved Template.
                                            • Delete: Permanently delete the selected Template(s).
                                            • Domain Restriction: Only emails from the domains you identify will be considered as triggers for Email to Invitation. As a security precaution, choose to allow Sogolytics to accept emails only from the listed domain(s).
                                            • Search: Search Templates by name, Template ID, or Project Name

                                            On-hover options include:

                                            • Edit: To edit a Template, hover over it and click on the Edit icon. You can edit and overwrite the existing Template.
                                            • Preview: A quick look at the created Template
                                            • Copy Content: The Template content that gets copied with all the parameters.
                                            • Delete: Permanently deletes the Template.
                                            • Settings:
                                              • Touch Rules: This option helps you to avoid over-surveying by filtering out those who have recently participated or received email invitations. Learn more about Touch Rules.
                                              • Email Alerts: Send an email for any/all of the following events
                                                • Send a confirmation email after every successful invitation batch is sent.
                                                • Send a confirmation email after every successful reminder batch is sent.
                                                • Send a notification email if the delivery is unsuccessful.

                                                  You may choose to send any alerts to up to 10 alternate email addresses.

                                            Activity Log

                                            This log tracks all invitations sent from Sogolytics based on triggering emails received. For detailed tracking we recommend accessing Track for the relevant project.

                                            Options include:

                                            • Show Details: Track overall email status and survey participation.
                                            • Delete: Deleting a record here will permanently remove it from this activity log. However, you can still find details of the record under Track within the appropriate project.​

                                              Deleting this entry will have no impact on Invitations already sent or scheduled or responses collected.

                                            • Email Address: The addresses of the participants to whom the invitations are sent are listed under the email address column.
                                            • Project Name: Shows the project associated with the email invitation sent.
                                            • Template Name: The Template used for sending out email invitations. All the applied settings are based on the Template.
                                            • Email Status:
                                              • Completed: Indicates that the participant has completed the survey.
                                              • Incomplete: Indicates that the participant accessed the survey and clicked on Save and Continue Later to save their work.
                                              • Email Read/Not Participated: Indicates that the participant opened the invitation email but did not click on the link to participate in the survey.
                                              • Bounced: Indicates the invitation was not delivered successfully. Click on the red Bounce icon for details of why the email bounced.
                                              • Bounced-Hard: This status indicates recent email sent to this address from the platform has been bounced back [not delivered] due to problems including Unknown host, Unknown user, Relay problem, or Any other technical problem.
                                              • Bounced-Soft: This status indicates recent email sent to this address has been bounced back [not delivered] due to a full recipient mailbox. If an email invitation is shown as bounced-soft, you can resend by selecting the record and clicking on ‘Resend Invite’.
                                              • Dropped Out on Page: Indicates that the participant opened the link but did not submit the survey or abandoned it by closing the window or tab in which the survey was accessed.
                                              • Email Scheduled: Indicates an email invitation has been scheduled for a future date.
                                              • Sent for Delivery: Indicates that the invitation is in the process of being sent.
                                              • Email Delivered/Not Read: Indicates that participant has yet to access the invitation email.
                                              • Completed (Edited): Indicates the participant has reopened the survey and resubmitted it.
                                              • Incomplete (Edited): Indicates the participant has reopened the survey and clicked on ‘Save and Edit Later.’
                                              • Invitation Date: This is when the invitation was sent.
                                            • Status:
                                              • Success: Email invitation sent successfully.
                                              • Fail: Due to an error, the email invitation was not sent. Click to display all possible errors you can rectify while sending triggers to Sogolytics.

                                                To view an exact copy of the original email invitation, click on any of these icons (Success/fail).

                                            • Email Message: Preview the message used for sending invitations/reminders.