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                                            Raise a Dialogue

                                            Raise a Dialogue connects your Sogolytics account to your SoGoConnect account. When you choose to Raise a Dialogue, you can tell the system to create a Dialogue if a survey response is received or based on how a participant responds to a survey question.

                                            For example, you might create a Dialogue when a participant gives you a low rating on a CSAT or NPS question. Creating the Dialogue based on this trigger prompts the relevant team to quickly review the situation and take action as needed.

                                            Of course, sometimes it’s good news! You might also want to turn a Promoter (9 or 10 on NPS scale) rating into an opportunity for your team to transform a great experience into a review, testimonial, or case study.

                                            Enable Raise a Dialogue

                                            To enable Raise a Dialogue follow these steps:

                                            1. Log into your Sogolytics account.
                                            2. Select a project to edit.
                                            3. In the Design bar, click Instant Alerts and then click Raise a Dialogue in the dropdown menu.
                                              • On this page, you can edit, view, delete, or disable previous rules to Raise a Dialogue or create a new rule.

                                            4. Click New.
                                            5. Enter a name for the new Raise a Dialogue and specify the triggering event.

                                            A triggering event can be any of the following:

                                            Survey Response Received

                                            Choose to send an alert based on any of the following conditions:

                                                • Completed Survey Response Received: Every time a new completed response in received, this alert will be triggered.
                                                • Incomplete Survey Response Received: Every time a new incomplete response in received, this alert will be triggered. This option will only be available if you have Save and Continue enabled in your survey.
                                                • Response threshold met: You can define a threshold number and also set the frequency of the alerts to be sent out — once when the threshold is met or every time a response is received past the threshold.

                                            Conditional Alerts

                                            Send an alert based on any of the following conditions:

                                                • Answer to a question: Choose the question and the answer for which the alert should be triggered.
                                                • Count of responses to an answer option: Set an alert when an answer option receives the defined count of responses.
                                                • Count of total responses: Set an alert for the number of complete/incomplete responses received.
                                                • NPS: Set an alert when the Net Promoter Score for the survey reaches the defined number. This option is available if the project includes an NPS question.
                                                • CSAT: Set an alert when the Customer Satisfaction Score for the survey reaches the defined number. This option is available in CX projects that include a CSAT question.
                                                • CES: Set an alert when the Customer Effort Score for the survey reaches the defined number. This option is available in CX projects that include a CES question.
                                                • Statistical calculation: If your project contains Numeric Text Box or Numeric Allocation questions, you can set up alerts based on the sum, mean, median, mode, max. min, std deviation of the responses.
                                                • Scores obtained by the participant: Based on the scores calculated, send out an alert. This option is available in Assessment projects with scores assigned.

                                            To trigger an alert based on a single participant’s response to an NPS question, choose ‘Survey response received’ as the triggering event, then select the NPS question. For example, if a participant gives a 10, send an alert.

                                            Frequency Based Alerts

                                            Send an alert at a specified frequency (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly) based on the condition of your choice:

                                                • Answer to a question: Choose the question and the answer for which the alert should be triggered.
                                                • Count of responses to an answer option: Set an alert when an answer option receives the defined count of responses.
                                                • Count of total responses: Set an alert for the number of complete/incomplete responses received.
                                                • NPS: Set an alert when the Net Promoter Score for the survey reaches the defined number. This option is available if the project includes an NPS question.
                                                • CSAT: Set an alert when the Customer Satisfaction Score for the survey reaches the defined number. This option is available in CX projects that include a CSAT question.
                                                • CES: Set an alert when the Customer Effort Score for the survey reaches the defined number. This option is available in CX projects that include a CES question.
                                                • Statistical calculation: If your project contains Numeric Text Box or Numeric Allocation questions, you can set up alerts based on the sum, mean, median, mode, max. min, std deviation of the responses.

                                            1. Define the Dialogue details, then click Continue.
                                              • Customer Contact Information can be mapped to questions in the survey, manually entered, or left blank.
                                              • Customer Type and Dialogue Type can also be left blank and filled in later.
                                              • An Interest Area is mandatory as it’ll tell the system where to send the Dialogue.

                                            2. Define the Dialogue content.
                                              1. Customize the alert email message, sharing any relevant information.
                                              2. Pipe survey content into the email to add helpful information.
                                                1. While editing in the email text box, select the piping icon on the right end of the edit menu.
                                                2. Click in your alert message where you would like to insert the answer text.
                                                3. In the pop-up, select your chosen piping value from the following options:
                                                  • Selected answer option
                                                  • Answer option count
                                                  • NPS/CSAT/CES for the project
                                                  • NPS/CSAT/CES question response
                                                  • Statistical calculation
                                                  • Total response count
                                                4. To attach a report to the email, switch the toggle next to ‘Attach a Report to this email’ to Yes and make your choice.
                                                5. Attach a copy of this survey response: This option will provide a link to an individual report. Paste this link into the email content.
                                                6. Attach a Saved Report of this survey: This option will show a selection from the Saved Reports section if any reports have been saved.
                                              3. As needed, edit the ‘Click here’ text that will appear as the report access link.

                                            3. The Dialogue will be raised instantly when the condition is met.
                                            4. To save the rule, click Done.
                                            5. To stop receiving alerts, select the rule and click Disable.