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      • Launch Project
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          • Account Settings
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                  • Building CX Surveys
                  • CX Metrics
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                      • CX Dashboard Settings
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                                    • Introduction to Poll
                                      • Build your Poll
                                        • Launch your Poll
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                                            User Management

                                            As you grow your team, the User Management section allows you to create sub-users and assign them permissions for various projects and parts of the platform. Smart, secure, and collaborative — get ready to get things done together!

                                            Navigate to

                                            Creating a sub-user

                                            1. Click on your account initials in the top right corner, then choose Account Settings from the dropdown menu.
                                            2. Choose User Management from the bottom of the menu on the left.
                                            3. To create a new sub-user, click on New.

                                            4. Enter details for your sub-user and enable other settings:
                                              • Enable administrator rights only if the user should have full access to the entire account.
                                              • Allocate the number of surveys/assessments this user should be able to create.

                                                You can revisit allocation of projects under Project Allocation.

                                              • Choose to send an Activation email right away, or to wait until later.
                                                Set an expiry date for your user.
                                            5. Next, click on Save or Save & Go Back.

                                            Editing sub-user details

                                            1. Under User Management, select the right sub-user and click the Edit button.
                                            2. Edit details for your sub-user and change other settings:
                                              • Enable administrator rights only if the user should have full access to the entire account.
                                              • Allocate the number of surveys/assessments this user should be able to create.
                                              • Choose to send an Activation email right away, or to wait until later.
                                              • Set an expiry date for your user.
                                            3. Make the necessary changes and click Save.

                                            Setting sub-user permissions

                                            For each sub-user, you can set permissions for projects (both web and mobile app), Lists, Saved Reports, Project Calendar, Custom Labels and Text, and Salesforce. These options allow you to support collaboration and teamwork while maintaining data security and privacy.


                                            1. Under User Management, select the right sub-user and click Set Permission.
                                            2. From the dropdown menu, choose Projects.
                                            3. Review your options on this page as you set permission for your projects:
                                              • Permissions for Future Projects
                                                • Here you can check the relevant boxes to assign module-level permissions for projects that will be created in the future by this sub-user or other account holders.
                                                • Sub-users will see only the permitted modules and projects.
                                              • Permissions for Existing Projects
                                                • Here, you can assign permissions for existing projects.
                                                • The dropdown menu displays all the folders in the administrator account. All surveys and assessments in each folder will be listed below.
                                                • Find your projects by searching in a particular folder or all folders.
                                                • Assign the desired permissions and click ‘Save’ or ‘Save & Go Back’.
                                              • Set Workflow for Distribution
                                                • When enabled, relevant sub-users will be prompted to ask for permission from a Workflow Manager when they try to distribute a survey. Learn how to set up a Workflow Manager.
                                                • The Workflow Manager will receive an email asking for permission.
                                                • The sub-user can distribute the survey only after the Workflow Manager grants permission.

                                                Click on Duplicate Permission in the top right corner of this screen to copy the Projects settings for another sub-user. Identify the user, and which permissions should be copied.

                                            Contact Lists

                                            1. Under User Management, select the right sub-user and click Set Permission.
                                            2. From the dropdown menu, choose Contact Lists.
                                            3. By default, users have full access to all Contact Lists they create. Review options to assign any additional permissions for Contact Lists created by other users.
                                            4. Choose whether to assign the user permission to all future Contact Lists.

                                              Assigning Edit access automatically assigns Read/Use access.

                                              • READ/USE: Allows the user access to see and use all future lists.
                                              • EDIT: Allows the user access to edit all future lists.
                                            5. Choose whether to assign the user permission to existing Contact Lists.
                                              • Permission to Use: Allows the user access to see the selected List(s).
                                              • Permission to Edit: Allows the user access to edit the selected List(s).
                                            6. Click on Duplicate Permission in the top right corner of this screen to copy the Projects settings for another sub-user. Identify the user, and which permissions should be copied.

                                            Email Templates

                                            1. Under User Management, select the right sub-user and click Set Permission.
                                            2. From the dropdown menu, choose Email Templates.
                                            3. Here you can toggle permissions for Email Template permissions and Sender Domain Restriction

                                            Saved Reports

                                            1. Under User Management, select the right sub-user and click Set Permission.
                                            2. From the dropdown menu, choose Saved Reports.
                                            3. By default, users have full access to all Saved Reports they create. Review options to assign any additional permissions for reports saved by other users.
                                            4. Choose whether to assign the user permission to all future reports saved by other users.
                                            5. Choose whether to assign the user permission to existing Saved Reports by checking the box for each selected report.
                                            6. Click on Duplicate Permission in the top right corner of this screen to copy the Projects settings for another sub-user. Identify the user, and which permissions should be copied.

                                            Other Permission

                                            1. Under User Management, select the right sub-user and click Set Permission.
                                            2. From the dropdown menu, choose Others.
                                            3. You’ll see permission settings to view and/or modify the following:
                                              • Project Calendar
                                              • Custom Labels and Text

                                              Changes made to Custom Labels and Text will reflect across all the entire organizational account.

                                            Deleting a sub-user

                                            1. Within Account Settings, select User Management at the bottom of the menu on the left.
                                            2. Select the relevant sub-user(s) and click Delete.
                                            3. Choose one of the displayed options:
                                              • Replace: This sub-user account will be deleted and the number of available licenses will be updated. Your billing cycle and account charges won’t be impacted.
                                              • Delete: This sub-user account will be deleted by the end of your billing cycle and you will not be charged for this sub-account from the next billing cycle.
                                            4. Click Confirm to proceed.

                                            Send Activation Mail

                                            You may choose to send an activation email when you first set up a sub-account, or after you assign relevant permissions. Sending an activation email alerts your sub-user that the account is ready and provides instructions for logging in and setting a password.

                                            1. Within Account Settings, click on User Management at the bottom of the menu on the left.
                                            2. Select the relevant sub-user(s) and click Send Activation Email.

                                            More Options

                                            For advanced settings, under User Management, click ‘More’ on the right side of the screen.

                                            Default Account Settings

                                            1. Under More, click on Default Account settings
                                            2. As needed, set default settings in the areas below for all accounts within your organization.
                                              • Allowed Domain: To restrict creation of Sub-User accounts with email addresses of an approved domain, enter up to 15 domains in the box. If this field is left blank, any email addresses will be accepted.​
                                              • Default Visual Settings: Use this option to choose a saved style to apply automatically to future projects in all accounts.
                                              • Default Omni Palette: Use this option to set a default color palette that matches your brand to apply automatically to the Omni Report. You can choose from both default and custom color schemes.

                                              These settings will apply account-wide to all users.

                                            3. Click on Save.

                                            Permissions By Project
                                            Depending on your needs, you may choose to assign permission by project or by user. Here’s how:

                                            1. Under ‘More’ in User Management, click ‘Permissions By Project’ from the dropdown.
                                            2. Review the permissions for any project, including which users have access to which modules. You’ll only see surveys (both web and mobile app) and assessments here.
                                            3. Save your settings, then switch to another project as needed.
                                            4. Click on Export in the top right to download a copy of all the permissions assigned to your sub-users.

                                            Workflow Manager
                                            When enabled, relevant sub-users will be prompted to ask for permission from a Workflow Manager when they try to distribute a survey. Learn how to set up a Workflow Manager.


                                            To keep track of all permissions assigned to sub-users, you can export a list into Excel.

                                            Here’s how:

                                            1. Within Account Settings, select User Management at the bottom of the menu on the left.
                                            2. Click on Export to download a file with details of all permissions assigned to each sub-user.