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      • Launch Project
        • Analyze Project
          • Account Settings
            • Report Depreciation
              • Good to Know
                • Getting Started!
                  • Building CX Surveys
                  • CX Metrics
                    • CX Dashboard
                      • CX Dashboard Settings
                        • Analyze your drivers
                          • Good to know
                            • Getting Started!
                              • Assessment Question types
                                • Score and more
                                  • Quiz participation
                                    • Get Results
                                    • Introduction to Poll
                                      • Build your Poll
                                        • Launch your Poll
                                          • Analyze your Poll

                                            Display Options in Omni

                                            Update the way results are displayed by customizing questions, graphs, and metrics regarding participation.

                                            Navigate to

                                            If at any point you’d like to clear customization and return to the default report display, click the Reset All icon on the right side of the screen.

                                            Modify Report

                                            By default, you’ll see all the questions included in the report. To exclude questions, click on Modify Report and uncheck the questions to be excluded.

                                            Question Options

                                            • To edit question text content or formatting, click on the question itself.
                                            • To add a question to the canvas, hover over the question and click on the Add to canvas icon.
                                            • To modify display options, hover over the question and click on the Question Options icon to display these options:
                                              • Graph: Hide/Show
                                              • Data table: Hide/Show
                                              • Statistical Widget: For numerical questions, hide/show statistical calculations like sum, mean, median, mode, min, max and standard deviation will be displayed. Clicking on the values under Min or Max will open all individual reports that include those values.
                                              • Manage Statistical Values: Choose which values to display.
                                              • Decimal places: 0, 1, 2
                                              • Percentage based on: Responses to this question or total responses
                                              • Split Sub-question: For Grid questions, choose to see each question separately
                                              • Rearrange Sub-questions: For Grid questions, choose to rearrange sub-questions
                                              • Apply filter: Apply new or existing filter to this or all questions
                                              • Apply Segmentation: Divide based on a Segmentation question and answers.
                                              • Graph Metric: Graph metric is used to view graphs based on Percentage, Weighted score, Percent Favorable and Net intent. To view Graph Metric options, hover over a question and click the three-dot icon to its right. Options include:

                                                • Percentage: This is the default metric for all graphs.
                                                • Weighted Score: This is the default score displayed above the graph. Clicking on the customize icon will give you the option to convert the score to percent.
                                                • Net Intent: Select this option to display the Net Intent score of the question. The score displayed upon selection is contingent on the default classification of answer options as positive and negative based on the odd-even scale range. Net Intent is calculated by subtracting the negative percent from the positive percent. You can change the answer option classification by clicking on the customize icon beside the dropdown.
                                                • Percent Favorable: Select this option to display the Percent Favorable score of the question. The score displayed upon selection is contingent on the default classification of answer options as positive based on the odd-even scale range. Percent Favorable displays the positive percentage of your respondents. You can change the answer option classification by clicking on the customize icon beside the dropdown.

                                            Graph Options

                                            To modify the appearance of graphics, click Customize Graph from the three-dot menu.

                                            • To choose a new graph type, click on the image of your choice, including:
                                              • Horizontal Stacked Bar Graph
                                              • Vertical Bar Graph
                                              • Horizontal Bar Graph
                                              • Pie Chart
                                              • Bubble Chart
                                              • Radar Chart
                                              • Donut Chart
                                              • Area Chart
                                              • Line Chart
                                            • To make the graph 3D, check the box in front of 3D Graph.
                                            • To change the range displayed, choose from the dropdown menu next to Scale range.
                                            • To update colors, select your choice from the dropdown menu next to Color Palette, and/or check the Reverse colors box.

                                            • You can also create your own Color Palette by clicking on Custom Color Palette and adding your own colors in the palette. Find your Custom Palettes at the bottom of the list in all projects.

                                            Updates will be made only to this graph. To replicate these settings throughout your report, click Apply to all graphs. To add this graph to your canvas, click the three-dot menu and choose Add to Canvas.

                                            Answer Options

                                            To modify answers, click Answer Options from the three-dot menu next to the graph.

                                            • To edit text, hover over an answer option and click to modify.
                                            • To rearrange the order of answer options, hover over percentage, select the small icon that appears to the right, and drag and drop to the preferred location.
                                            • To merge answer options, check the boxes in front of each and click on the Merge icon below.
                                            • To hide an answer option (without recalculating), check the box in front of it and click on the Hide icon below.
                                            • To exclude an answer option (and remove it from calculation), check the box in front of it and click on the Exclude icon below.

                                            All changes will be reflected in both graphs and data tables for this question.

                                            Survey Metrics

                                            • To display information about responses included in the report, click on the Survey Metrics icon or text. Fields include:
                                              • Dates
                                              • Distribution Method(s)
                                              • Participant Details
                                              • Data Source(s)
                                            • To add a field to the canvas, hover over the text and check the bubble that appears beside it. Once all fields are selected, click Add To Canvas.

                                            Question Level Score Display

                                            Score can be displayed on individual question level for rating scale question types. Weighted score is shown as default above the graph. This can be changed to display the Net Intent or Percent Favorable score, by selecting the desired option from the dropdown. This display of score is independent of the graph metric of the question.

                                            Weighted Score: This is the default score displayed above the graph. Clicking on the customize icon will give you the option to convert the score to percent.

                                            Net Intent: Select this option to display the Net Intent score of the question. The score displayed upon selection is contingent on the default classification of answer options as positive and negative based on the odd-even scale range. You can change the answer option classification by clicking on the customize icon beside the dropdown.

                                            Percent Favorable: Select this option to display the Percent Favorable score of the question. The score displayed upon selection is contingent on the default classification of answer options as positive based on the odd-even scale range. You can change the answer option classification by clicking on the customize icon beside the dropdown.

                                            Changes made in the configuration settings of the Net Intent and Percent Favorable, at any level for the same question would reflect the changes across all configuration modals throughout the report for the same question.
