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                                            Piping options offer the chance to repeat certain participant responses later in a survey, ensuring participants a more customized and engaging experience. With this feature, participant answers can reappear on subsequent pages, either within the text of a question or within another set of answer options.

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                                            Pipe answers into subsequent questions

                                            This option allows you to copy a selected answer option into the text of a question on a later page. This feature can be used to personalize your survey and focus participant attention.

                                            For example: If a participant rates his or her experience as ‘Excellent’ on page 1, you may choose to pipe the response into a question on page 2: ‘Why did you rate your experience as Excellent?’

                                            Here’s how:

                                            1. Create a survey or edit an existing survey.
                                            2. Ensure that your survey has a minimum of two pages – piping cannot be applied on a one-page survey, and the ‘source’ question cannot be on the last page.
                                            3. Choose the ‘destination’ question you’d like to pipe into. (Remember, this question cannot be on the first page!) Hover over the question and click Edit.
                                            4. Click on Piping, then place the piping icon in the text where you want the answer option to appear.
                                            5. Select the ‘source’ question from which answer options will be piped. This dropdown menu will only display options from previous pages.
                                            6. You can pipe multiple answer options to a question.

                                            7. As a best practice, set the source question as Mandatory to ensure that participants complete this question.
                                            8. Review your survey to check your piping.

                                            Pipe answers into subsequent answer sets

                                            This option allows you to copy a participant’s answer or answers into answer sets on a later page in your survey.

                                            For example: If you use a Check Box question to ask employees about the professional development courses they attended this year, you can then pipe all of their selected responses into a Radio Button question on a later page and ask them to choose the one course they’re most likely to recommend to a colleague. As a result, participants will only be recommending based on experience and your data quality will improve.

                                            Here’s how:

                                            1. Within Designer, choose the ‘destination’ question into which you would like to pipe answers. The following question types can be used as destination questions:
                                              • Check Box
                                              • Check Box Grid
                                              • Drop Down
                                              • Horizontal Radio Button
                                              • List Box
                                              • Matrix Grid
                                              • Numeric Allocation
                                              • Radio Button
                                              • Radio Grid
                                              • Ranking
                                              • Rating Drop Down
                                              • Rating Drop Down Grid
                                              • Rating Radio Button
                                              • Rating Radio Grid
                                              • Rating Scale Grid
                                            2. Hover over the question and click Edit.
                                            3. Click on the Pipe Answers button on the right, just above the answer block.

                                              For Grid destination questions, click More to find Pipe Answers.

                                            4. In the pop-up that appears, use the first dropdown menu to set the conditions for which answer choice(s) should be piped.
                                            5. In the next dropdown, select the ‘source’ question. The following question types can be used as source questions:
                                              • Check Box
                                              • Drop Down
                                              • Horizontal Radio Button
                                              • Like/Dislike
                                              • List Box
                                              • Radio Button
                                              • Ranking
                                              • Rating Drop Down
                                              • Rating Radio Button

                                              Answers cannot be piped from questions in which hidden Post-Population is applied.

                                            6. In the second dropdown, set conditions to determine which answer(s) will be piped.
                                              • All answers: Every answer in the source (piped-from) question will reappear in the destination (piped-to) question.
                                              • Selected answers: Only answers chosen by the participant will reappear in the destination question.
                                              • Unselected answers: Any answers not chosen by the participant will reappear in the destination question.
                                              • Displayed answers: All answers shown to the participant in the source question, whether selected or not, will reappear in the destination question.
                                              • Not displayed answers: All source question answers not shown to the participant (hidden through Quota Management or Hide Answers) will appear in the destination question.
                                              • Answer option(s) ranked greater than rank: All answers ranked higher than N will reappear in the destination question. (Option only in Ranking source question.)
                                              • Answer option(s) ranked lower than: All answers ranked lower than N will reappear in the destination question. Unranked options will not be included. (Option only in Ranking source question.)
                                              • Answer option ranked equal to: The answer ranked as N will reappear in the destination question. (Option only in Ranking source question.)
                                              • Answer option ranked highest: The answer option chosen as 1 (highest) in a Ranking source question will reappear in the destination question.
                                              • Answer option ranked lowest: The answer option given the lowest rank in a Ranking source question will reappear in the destination question.
                                            7. Click Apply when you’re finished.
                                            8. In addition to the piped answers, you may choose to add new answer options. Be sure that all answer options included are clear and unique. Save the question.
                                            9. Within Designer, once answer piping is saved, all potential answers will be shown in the destination question. To view piped answer logic, hover over the piped answer options.
                                            10. Set your source question as Mandatory to be sure participants see the destination question as intended.

                                            Remove Piped Answers

                                            • To ensure clarity in reporting, any changes to piping answers should be completed before the survey goes live.
                                            • If your survey is in Edit mode, hover over the piped answers in the destination question, then click on the Delete icon to remove these answers. You will only be able to delete the piped answers if you have non-piped answers present.
                                            • If you must make a change after your survey has received responses, you may hover over the piped answers in the destination question and click the Delete icon.

                                            Any piped answer option that has already received a response will still appear. You may choose to keep the current text or provide new text.
